The instructions below will enable you to change certain styling aspects of the Automatic Widget.
Any of these styles can be safely added to your existing stylesheet or in a <style> tag within your page.
They will not conflict with any of your existing page styling, as they specifically target the Agent Shield widgets only.
.agent-shield-widget>div .projects-listing-item .learnMore { background-color: #DDD }
To change the "Learn More" button text color:
.agent-shield-widget>div .projects-listing-item .learnMore span { color: #FFF }
Widget Pagination
To change the pagination bar (both the page numbers and the summary info), you need the following 2 CSS classes added:
.wrapper.agent-shield-widget>div .panel-navigation .pagination li a { color: red } .wrapper.agent-shield-widget>div .panel-navigation .summary { color:red }
Listing Information
To change the Listing Title:
.wrapper.agent-shield-widget>div .projects-listing-item .caption h3 a { color: red }
To change the Listing Location:
.wrapper.agent-shield-widget>div .projects-listing-item .caption p { color: red }
Listing Container
To change the color of the border surrounding a listing:
.wrapper.agent-shield-widget>div .projects-listing-item .thumbnails { border-color: red }
Note: If that doesn’t immediately take effect, they might need to add an "!important” to the color & background-color to force it.