What do the stats mean in the Builder reports?
Below is a screenshot of the reports view of the reports for a listing. The data reported include:
Agents: Number of agents that are using one of the Agent Shield tools to market the listing (community/project).
View: Number of views of the details for a listing (read further for an explanation of what a "details view" is).
Clicks: NOTE: CLICKS are ONLY available for listings that have upgraded to use the Agent Tracker feature. Number of buyers (traffic) an agent has sent to a listing's website through their Agent Tracker Link. "Clicks" can outnumber "Views" because there are multiple ways an agent can send buyers to a listing's website.
- Buyer clicks on the "Go to Website" button from the details view.
- Agent uses their Agent Tracker Link to market the listing in emails, online marketing, social media, etc..
Leads: Number of buyers that filled out a contact form from the Widget Details view or the listing's website.
Click on the "New Support Ticket" if you have further questions about reports.
Widget Results View:
Screenshot of the Widget Results View of the new construction widget embedded in a website.
Widget Details View:
Screenshot of the Widget Details View of the new construction widget embedded in a website. The goal of the details view is to provide more info about the listing to convert the looker into a lead. When a buyer looks at the "Details View" of a listing, it is recorded as a "View" for that listing in the reports.