What do the stats mean in the Builder reports? 

Below is a screenshot of the reports view of the reports for a listing. The data reported include:

  1. Agents: Number of agents that are using one of the Agent Shield tools to market the listing (community/project).
  2. View: Number of views of the details for a listing (read further for an explanation of what a "details view" is).
  3. Clicks: NOTE: CLICKS are ONLY available for listings that have upgraded to use the Agent Tracker feature. Number of buyers (traffic) an agent has sent to a listing's website through their Agent Tracker Link. "Clicks" can outnumber "Views" because there are multiple ways an agent can send buyers to a listing's website.
    1. Buyer clicks on the "Go to Website" button from the details view. 
    2. Agent uses their Agent Tracker Link to market the listing in emails, online marketing, social media, etc..
  4. Leads: Number of buyers that filled out a contact form from the Widget Details view or the listing's website.  

Click on the "New Support Ticket" if you have further questions about reports. 

Widget Results View:

Screenshot of the Widget Results View of the new construction widget embedded in a website. 

Widget Details View:

Screenshot of the Widget Details View of the new construction widget embedded in a website. The goal of the details view is to provide more info about the listing to convert the looker into a lead. When a buyer looks at the "Details View" of a listing, it is recorded as a "View" for that listing in the reports.