This article shows you how to add/edit promotions for a listing. 


1: Go to the "My Listings" page and select the listing you want to add/edit a promotion for. 

2: Click on the "Listing Promotions" button.

3: Click on the "Add Promotion" button.

4: Fill out the relevant information. 

Definition of the fields:

  1. Promotion Type: Which use is this promotion for?
    1. Buyer Promotions: Promo specifically for buyers. This promotion will be shown to both agents and the public.
    2. Real Estate Professional Promotions: Promo for agents such as sales incentives, bonuses, etc.. This information is NOT public and only shown to agents that are logged into Agent Shield or Agent Portals. 
    3. Fly and Buys Promotions: Promo specifically for buyers. This promotion will be shown to both agents and the public. This promo is categorized differently because the promo will be highlighted differently. 
  2. Activate Promotion: This option turns on and off the promo. One use would be to add multiple promos to the system and turn on/off as needed. 
  3. Promotion Name/Title: This is the name displayed for the promo.
  4. Promotion Description: This describes what the promo is. You can include your disclaimers in this area. 
  5. Maximum Promotional Value: OPTIONAL. You can set a max monetary value in this field. 
  6. Duration: You can use this field to set the promo to automatically show for a specific timeframe. NOTE: you must set the "Active Promotion" to "Yes" because that field will override the dates. 
  7. Promotion File: You can attach a file to this promotion. The user will be able to download the file. For example, if you have a flyer or brochure that is related to the promo, you can attach it here.